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Virtual 2021 Before Bach's Birthday Bash
2014 (Jan–May)
TCAGO 2024 Organ Competition Winners Recital
On the afternoon of January 12, 2025, the Twin Cities AGO and the Music and Arts Series at Hamline Church United Methodist hosted the winners of the 2024 Twin Cities AGO Competition in Organ Performance. Evelyn Rohrbach (First Prize, right) and Isabel (Munson) Alsum (Second Prize, left) played a program featuring the works of Mendelssohn, Bach, Buxtehude, Duruflé, and Vierne, on Hamline Church’s 1974 Casavant organ. Evelyn is a second-year organ performance major at the Jacobs School of Music and mathematic major at Indiana University. Isabel is a first-year Master’s student at University of Kansas in organ and church music, studying organ with James Higdon. Despite the chilly and snowy weather, the program was well attended.
Performers' Biographies
As a concert organist, pianist, and collaborative musician, Evelyn Rohrbach has performed throughout the United States and Europe. Evelyn began studying piano at the age of six, organ at the age of 12 and has worked as a church organist and pianist since the age of 12. Her teachers include Jeffrey Smith, Janette Fishell, Stephan Hamilton, Christa Rakich and Laura Edman. She studies organ improvisation with Jeffrey Smith. Her piano teachers include Kent Cooke, Gail Olszewski, and Ivan Konev. In July 2024, Evelyn studied organ performance and improvisation at the Jehan Alain Association in Romain-môtier, Switzerland with Ludgar Lohman, Daniel Roth, Guy Bovet, Emmanuel Le Divellec and Tobias Willi.
Evelyn has won and placed in many organ, piano, and composition competitions, including winner of the TCAGO/Schubert Club Organ Competition in 2024, eight-time Badger State WMTA winner (4th through 12th grades), semifinalist and runners-up in the Milwaukee Symphony, Chippewa Valley Symphony, La Crosse Symphony, and Saint Paul Piano Teachers Concerto Competitions. She was awarded first place in The Bill and Pat Medley Pre-College Piano Competition in May 2020 and was the winner of the 2020 MTNA Composition Competition in Minnesota. Evelyn is a two-time recipient of the Pipedreams Organ Scholarship, and currently serves as the organist at Roberts Park United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Evelyn has a passion for solo and collaborative performance as well as sacred music. She also enjoys opera, cooking, and all things sheep. Evelyn spins, knits, crochets, and raises a small flock of Targhee sheep that she breeds and shows for wool and herds with her 5-year-old border collie, Dottsie.
A native of Lakeville, Minnesota, Isabel Munson began taking organ lessons in January 2017 after receiving the TCAGO Pipedreams Organ Scholarship in October of 2016. She received this award two additional times in 2017 and 2019. Isabel studied organ with Mary Newton from 2017 to 2019, and Kristina Langlois from 2019 to 2020.
In May 2024, she graduated with a bachelor's degree in Organ Performance, studying with Carrie Groenewold. Throughout her years at Dordt University, Isabel enjoyed opportunities to tour Europe and the Netherlands, playing historic organs, and learning from revered Dutch organists. She has presented solo recitals in 2023 and 2024. Isabel has worked with renowned organists, such as Jan Kraybill, Paul Jacobs, Damin Spritzer, and Wayne Marshall through masterclasses at Dordt.
“White Christmas” Holiday Show at Heights Theatre
On Monday, December 2, the theatre’s Mighty Wurlitzer was played to celebrate the film’s 70th anniversary and featured in a pre-show concert by Lou Hurvitz and a post-show demonstration by Ed Copeland.
Minneapolis Meander Organ Tour
On Saturday, November 9th, about 70 people took part at one point or another in the Minneapolis Meander Organ Tour, organized by the TCAGO Pipe Organ Heritage Committee. Attendees enjoyed hearing a wide range of delightful music on five very different organs, which spanned 50 years and several schools of tonal design.
To see photos of the day and read more about the day's events, see the Dec 2024/Jan 2025 issue of our newsletter, Pipenotes.
TCAGO Fall Members Recital
On Friday, October 25, TCAGO hosted a spectacular Fall Members Recital, themed “The Many Moods of Dance.” The event was graced by an enthusiastic audience of over 120 attendees, who were treated to an evening of exceptional musical performances. The 1977 Schantz organ, with its three manuals and 36 ranks, offered a rich variety of sounds and masterfully captured the diverse sonorities of dance.
Talented musicians delivered a captivating and imaginative program, celebrating “The Many Moods of Dance” and the anniversaries of renowned composers such as Buxtehude, Bach, Dubois, Fauré, Lefébure-Wély, Widor, Stanford, Calvin Hampton, and Godwin Sadoh. Each piece resonated with the audience, showcasing the diverse and dynamic nature of dance music. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the incredible organists who made this event possible: Joel Anderson, Carolyn Diamond, Isaac Drewes, Samuel Holmberg, David Jenkins, Jeremiah Knudson, Samuel Libra, Mary Joy Rieder, Ju Young Lee, and Betsy Allison (piano). Your creativity and artistry brought the music to life in a truly unforgettable way.
Left to right: Betsy Allison, Samuel Libra, Ju Young Lee, Jeremiah Knudson, Joel Anderson, Isaac Drewes, Carolyn Diamond, David Jenkins, Samuel Holmberg, Mary Joy Rieder.
A special thank you is given to Richfield Lutheran Church for their warm hospitality and to host and resident organist, Paul Comnick. Major appreciation is due to Brian Sullivan and Obermeyer Organ Company for their excellent maintenance and preparation of the organ for this event. An additional thank you goes to Carolyn Diamond, who acted as curator and Master of Ceremonies to fill in for Michael Barone. And always, thank you to Jeremy Haug, Kirsten Uhlenberg, and Sarah Garner for promotion, communication, and publicity.
TCAGO Opening Event: Northrop Organist Greg Zelek in Concert with reception and meeting
The TCAGO celebrated Greg Zelek in his debut concert as the newly appointed Northrop Organist. The day-long event started with the Northrop Open House, which included organ demonstrations, tours, and backstage access. The evening concert by Greg Zelek was followed by a private TCAGO Member’s Reception on-site. A brief meeting to install the TCAGO Officers preceded the reception for credit: Peter Rodgers
AGO/Quimby Regional Competition for Young Organists (RCYO) Winners' RecitalOn Sunday afternoon, May 12, 2024, the winners of the 2023 North Central Region AGO/Quimby Regional Competition for Young Organists (RCYO), Trevor Good (first place) and Aaron Looney (second place), performed a recital on the 3-manual, 60-rank 1959 Casavant/2022 Letourneau at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Saint Paul.
In 2023, sixteen separate chapter-level competitions were held between February 11 and April 23, 2023. Each chapter-level competition winner advanced to a regional-level competition, and six regional winners were awarded. On July 3, 2024, the regional winners—now AGO Rising Stars—will perform at First Congregational Church in Berkeley, California, in conjunction with the 2024 AGO National Convention in San Francisco.
TCAGO was pleased to present in recital Trevor Good and Aaron Looney, first and second place winners, respectively, in the July 2023 AGO/Quimby Regional Competition for Young Organists held at Church of Saint Louis, King of France, during the North Central AGO 2023 Regional Convention.
A reception followed the concert, which was free and open to the public.
Originally from Springfield, Illinois, Trevor Good (above) is the organist at the Church of the Resurrection-Brookside in Kansas City, Missouri, and a student organ scholar at the St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center in Lawrence, Kansas. He is enrolled at the University of Kansas where he pursues a degree in Organ Performance under the direction of Dr. James Higdon. Having won last summer’s AGO/Quimby Regional Competition for Young Organists in Saint Paul, Minnesota, he will perform at the 2024 AGO National Convention in San Francisco as a Rising Star. Good participated in February in the Immanuel Lutheran Church Organ Scholar Competition in Evanston, Illinois, where he won the undergraduate prize. In April, he was a finalist in the National Organ Playing Competition in Fort Wayne, where he won second prize and audience choice. Trevor’s former teachers include Dr. Grigory Frederick Guzasky and Dale Rogers.
Aaron Looney (above) is currently a student at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, where he is a pursing a degree in church music with an organ emphasis under Dr. Catherine Rodland. A native of Bridgewater, Virginia, Aaron’s musical interests began at the age of five on the piano before shifting to a passion for organ and choral music. Aaron is a highly active musician at St. Olaf, participating in two choral ensembles and accompanying two additional choral ensembles. Furthermore, Aaron regularly takes part in solo recitals and small ensemble performances at St. Olaf. Upon completion of his undergraduate degree, Aaron will continue on to graduate studies in organ performance at the Eastman School of Music, studying with David Higgs.
Aaron held a position as organist at Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Mount Sidney, Virginia, for two years where he led worship as Music Minister. Prior to his position at Salem, he volunteered as organist at his home church in Dayton, Virginia. Aaron has also been fortunate to appear as a guest musician and substitute organist throughout Virginia and various churches in Minnesota. In the fall of 2021, Aaron joined the worship team at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Excelsior, Minnesota, where he holds a position as Associate Organist. Aaron was awarded second prize in the AGO Regional Organ Competition in 2023, and is a frequent performer in the Twin Cities.
TCAGO Spring 2024 Pipedreams Organ Scholarships Auditions
On Saturday morning, April 20, 2024, the Pipedreams Scholarship Audition was held at The Church of St. Helena in Minneapolis. Three adult scholarships were given. The recipients were Tate Shannon, Sheila Loger, and Chuck Lenz (left to right, below). Each received a $500.00 scholarship—great financial aid as they continue their organ studies. The audition is open to both youth and adults.
We strongly encourage those of you who are organ teachers to let your students know they can apply for a scholarship and those who are organ students to consider applying for a scholarship.
Visit the “Pipedreams Organ Scholarships” page under the Education tab for more information about applying for a scholarship.
TCAGO 2024 Competition in Organ Performance
On Saturday morning, April 13, 2024, the public was invited to Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Saint Paul to listen in during the competition, which was open to organists under 24 years of age as of August 1, 2024.
The TCAGO is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 Competition in Organ Performance. The first prize winner was Evelyn Rohrbach (front row, third from left), awarded $2,500, sponsored by the Schubert Club. She is a first-year undergraduate student at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, Bloomington, Indiana. Evelyn began studying piano at the age of six and organ at the age of 12 and has worked as a church organist and pianist since the age of 12. She has studied organ with Dr. Janette Fishell, Dr. Stephen Hamilton, Dr. Christa Rakich, and Dr. Laura Edman, and piano with Dr. Gail Olszewski, Pamela Sohraikoff, and Dr. Ivan Konev.
Evelyn has won and placed in many piano competitions, including an 8-time Badger State WMTA winner (4th–12th grades), semifinalist and runners-up in the Milwaukee Symphony, Chippewa Valley Symphony, La Crosse Symphony, and Saint Paul Piano Teachers Concerto Competitions. She was awarded first place in The Bill and Pat Medley Pre-College Piano Competition in May 2020 and was the winner of the 2020 MTNA Composition Competition in Minnesota and Honorable Mention at the regional level. Evelyn is a two-time recipient of the TCAGO Pipedreams Organ Scholarship, has performed three times at TCAGO spring concerts, and in November 2021 she performed a solo recital for the TCAGO historic organ tour. She is organist/pianist at Roberts Park United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.
The second prize winner was Isabel Munson (front row, second from left), awarded $1,000, sponsored by TCAGO member Phil Asgian. She is a senior at Dordt University, Sioux Center, Iowa, and is a native of Lakeville, Minnesota. Isabel Munson began taking organ lessons in January 2017 after receiving the TCAGO Pipedreams Organ Scholarship in October of 2016. She received this award two additional times in 2017 and 2019. Isabel studied organ with Dr. Mary Newton from 2017 to 2019, and Dr. Kristina Langlois from 2019 to 2020.
She will graduate from Dordt University in May 2024 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music: Organ Performance & Pedagogy. Throughout her years at Dordt University, Isabel has enjoyed opportunities to tour Europe and the Netherlands, playing historic organs, and learning from revered Dutch organists. She has presented solo recitals in 2023 and 2024. Isabel has worked with renowned organists, such as Jan Kraybill, Paul Jacobs, Damin Spritzer, and Wayne Marshall through masterclasses at Dordt.
Isabel has a passion for the study and practice of sacred music. After graduating from Dordt University, Isabel plans to further her education by obtaining a master’s degree in sacred music.
Congratulations to both Evelyn and Isabel. Thank you to competition judges (back row, left to right) Jacob Benda, Melanie Ohnstad, and Jungjoo Park.
See the Competition in Organ Performance page under the Education tab for more details about the competition rules and requirements.
Northrop and the TCAGO presented
Introduction to the Organ with Anna Lapwood and Mini Opus
On Monday evening, April 1, 2024, at Northrop on the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus, the world-renowned organist Anna Lapwood along with Michael Barone, Phil Radtke, and Henry Dangerfield presented an evening of music specially designed for children, young and old, featuring two pipe organs. The event was free and open to the public.
photo by Nick Rutter
The TCAGO collaborated with the Northrop Organ Advisory Board and world-renowned organist Anna Lapwood, Associate Artist of the Royal Albert Hall in London, UK, and a strong advocate of musical education for children with “over a million followers across several social media platforms.”
This event also celebrated the 20th anniversary of the TCAGO demonstration pipe organ, “Mini Opus,” part of PipeWorks Twin Cities, a joint program of the TCAGO and Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis. Mini Opus is the product of a collaboration with Dobson Organ Builders, Schantz Organ Company, and the TCAGO. Since it arrived in Minneapolis in February of 2004, Mini Opus has traveled to audiences young and old all over the Twin Cities, parts of greater Minnesota, and Wisconsin, engaging audiences at public and private schools, churches, community centers, summer music camps, adult/continuing education programs and more.
For this celebration, Henry Dangerfield, student of Ray Johnston, performed a new composition, Gallop for Pipe Organ, by Aaron David Miller. Phil Radtke also demonstrated the Mini Opus, and Michael Barone was master of ceremonies for the event.
Anna Lapwood demonstrated the Northrop Aeolian-Skinner organ and presented a grand finale of selections from her April 2 recital program at Northrop.
Children were invited to come on stage and learn first-hand about both Mini Opus and the Northrop Aeolian-Skinner organ.
This activity was made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
Before Bach’s Birthday Bash
Saturday, March 16, 2024
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. TCAGO presented the annual Before Bach’s Birthday Bash, a sequence of five hour-long concerts devoted to music by Johann Sebastian Bach, performed this year at various venues in Saint Paul. All events were free (donations accepted) and open to the public.
The 9:00 a.m. program was streamed and broadcast live on YourClassical Minnesota Public Radio network stations (KSJN-99.5FM in the Twin Cities) and co-sponsored by American Public Media’s Pipedreams.
Attendees enjoyed hearing organists Samuel Backman, Nils Halker, Kathrine Handford, David Jenkins, Ju Young Lee, Stacie Lightner, Mark Overman, Catherine Rodland, Emily Roth, Wolfgang Rübsam, Tim Strand, and William (Bill) Wilson; as well as additional instrumental performers Charles Asch (cello), Katie Boardman (soprano), Hyein Choi (piano), Ines Guanchez and Osip Nikiforov (piano), Sehee Jeong (piano), Chris Kachian (guitar), Brenda and David Mickens (violin), Charles Yan Ming Lee (violin), Zachariah Mandell (trombone), Koki Sato (piano), and Ruizhi Gabrielle Wang (piano).
See all five programs and performers' biographies.
9:00–10:00 a.m., featuring the 60-rank 1959 Casavant/2022 Letourneau pipe organ at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
10:30–11:30 a.m., featuring the 52-rank 2007 Casavant organ at Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church
11:30 a.m., Lunch on your own
1:00–2:00 p.m., featuring the 55-rank 1921 Skinner/2008 Schantz pipe organ at St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church
2:30–3:30 p.m., featuring the 44-rank 1965 Noack mechanical-action pipe organ at Unity Unitarian Church
4:00–5:00 p.m., featuring the 97-rank 1979 C. B. Fisk mechanical-action pipe organ at The House of Hope Presbyterian Church
For more information, see the March issue of Pipenotes.
Professional Enrichment Day 2024
Monday, February 19 (Presidents' Day)
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities
4100 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis
TCAGO and Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities Music Series presented a day of professional enrichment. These workshops were intended for vocalists, choral directors, church musicians, and clergy. They were free and open to the public.
The King's Singers
11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.: Workshop with The King's Singers.
1:00 p.m.–1:45 p.m.: Lunch
2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.: Keynote speaker Don Saliers, distinguished professor emeritus from Emory University in Atlanta, presented "The Lamentable and the Praiseworthy: The Travail of Musical Liturgy Today."
3:00–3:45 p.m.: Discussion and Q&A Session
Synopsis of "The Lamentable and the Praiseworthy: The Travail of Musical Liturgy Today"
Christian liturgy and its music, over time, confronts us with an undeniable set of contrasts—between unspeakable joy and deepest sorrow, between death and resurrection. This is life rhythm we find in the psalms and in the seasons of the Christian year. The question in a world of such contrasts in which we now find ourselves is “can the music and the deep pattern the Church’s prayer restore us to the great rhythms of life before God in our time and place?” We live with Dostoyevsky’s question: “Can beauty save us?” These reflections aim to restore the meaning and depth of our liturgical life: lament and doxology, the “full stretch” of the unfathomable riches of God in sound, sense, and ritual action.
The King’s Singers
Sponsored by the Bethlehem Music Series
Sunday, February 18, at 4:00 p.m.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities
4100 Lyndale Avenue South, MinneapolisIn conjuction with the TCAGO's Professional Enrichment Day, the Bethlehem Music Series hosted the famous King's Singers of King's College, Cambridge, England and a pre-concert conversation with Steve Staruch of MPR.
The King’s Singers were formed in 1968 at King’s College in Cambridge, England and have represented the gold standard in a cappella singing on the world’s greatest stages for over fifty years. They are renowned for their unrivaled technique, versatility, and for their consummate musicianship. Their discography has led to numerous awards including two Grammy Awards, an Emmy Award, and a place in Gramophone magazine’s inaugural Hall of Fame.
Pipe Organ Discovery Day
February 17, 2024, at two Saint Paul churchesPresented by the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists in MinnesotaThis year, the Education Committee offered three options for students and parents to participate.
Option #1: 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Full participation at both venues. Includes morning session, pizza lunch, and afternoon session
Option #2: 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Morning session only at the University of St. Thomas.Option #3: 11:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Afternoon session only at The Church of St. Mark. Includes pizza lunch.
Morning session: University of St. Thomas, Iversen Center for Faith, Cleveland at Ashland, Saint Paul
9:00 a.m. Check-in
9:15 a.m. Demonstration by Jacob Benda of Gabriel Kney organ in the St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel9:30 a.m. Morning track #1 (two activities in rotation)
- Hands-on playing time—Gabriel Kney organ
- Videos showing how pipe organs are built—from molten metal to installation
11:30 a.m. Morning session ends; drive to The Church of St. Mark for lunch
Afternoon session: The Church of St. Mark, 2001 Dayton Avenue, Saint Paul11:45 a.m. Check-in and pizza lunch with lunchtime speaker Michael Barone of Pipedreams
12:45 p.m. Demonstration by Kathrine Handford of Hendrickson organ in The Church of St. Mark
1:00 p.m. Afternoon track #2 (two activities in rotation)
- Hands-on playing time—mini opus demonstration organ in Carolyn Hall
- Hands-on playing time—Hendrickson organ in Sanctuary of The Church of St. Mark
2:50 p.m. Closing announcements
3:00 p.m. Event ends
Nathan Laube in ConcertSunday, November 19 at 4:00 p.m.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
4100 Lyndale Avenue South, MinneapolisA star among young classical musicians, concert organist Nathan Laube holds a place among the world’s elite performers and pedagogues. His brilliant playing, creative programming, and gracious demeanor have thrilled audiences on four continents. He is Associate Professor of Organ at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York and International Consultant in Organ Studies at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in the United Kingdom. Nathan was previously on the organ faculty at the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart, Germany.
Mr. Laube’s extensive international recital career takes him continually to major concert venues and festivals around the world. His recording of the Stephen Paulus Grand Concerto for Organ and Orchestra with the Nashville Symphony was awarded a GRAMMY for Best Classical Compendium at the 58th annual awards ceremony in February 2016. Nathan Laube is regarded as “one of the best organists of his generation in the United States.”
The TCAGO held to several events with internationally acclaimed organist Nathan Laube, beginning with a pre‑concert conversation at 3:30 p.m. hosted by Steve Staruch of Minnesota Public Radio. Nathan Laube then presented an organ concert for the Bethlehem Music Series. The conversation and concert were both free and open to the public.
Chef Will Spann (La Belle Vie, Bunglaow Club, W. A. Frost) and Kathy Handford teamed up to prepare a French inspired autumnal dinner, served at 6:30 p.m. after Nathan Laube’s concert and before his presentation-masterclass at 7:30 p.m. at Christ Church Lutheran, 3244 34th Avenue South in Minneapolis.
Schedule of Events
4:00 p.m. Concert with 3:30 p.m. Pre-Concert Conversation, presented by Bethlehem Music Series at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 4100 Lyndale Avenue South in Minneapolis
6:30 p.m. Dinner
7:30–9:30 p.m. Presentation-Masterclass at Christ Church Lutheran, 3244 34th Avenue South in Minneapolis.
Saint Paul Organ Crawl
Saturday, October 21, 9:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Center City (Downtown) and Summit Hill, Saint PaulThe TCAGO’s Pipe Organ Heritage Committee organized an Organ Crawl, a rare chance to see and hear instruments up close. TCAGO members and the general public were invited!
The Saint Paul Organ Crawl attendees visited and heard...
9:30 a.m. Assumption Catholic Church, 1935 Kimball-Welte
51 West Seventh Street
Simon Pick, organist10:30 a.m. St. Mary’s Catholic Church, 1927 Reuter
261 Eighth Street East
Mary Joy Rieder, organist11:30 a.m. First Baptist Church, 1875 Steere & Turner, revised
499 Wacouta Street
Bruce Jacobs, organist2:00 p.m. James J. Hill Mansion, 1889 Hutchings
260 Summit Avenue
Stacie Lightner, organist3:00 p.m. Virginia Street Church, 1919 Hall
170 Virginia Street
Ed Copeland, organist4:00 p.m. Unity Unitarian Church, 1965 Noack
732 Holly Avenue
Tom Ferry, organistInstruments were demonstrated and, in some cases, ‘open-console’ access followed. The event was free and open to all who are curious.
Opening Event and Dinner:
Pipedreams 40th Anniversary Celebration
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Benson Great Hall, Bethel University, Arden Hills, Minnesota
Concert with reception (free and open to the public with ticket)TCAGO Member Dinner followedThe Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists and YourClassical Pipedreams presented a 40th Anniversary celebration of continuous national broadcasts of Pipedreams with a free festive concert of music for organ and orchestra, featuring the 67-rank Blackinton pipe organ in Benson Great Hall on the campus of Bethel University. Repertoire included Samuel Barber’s Toccata Festiva, William Bolcom’s Humoresk, Franz Liszt’s Hunnenschlacht and Joseph Jongen’s Symphonie Concertante, Op. 81. Soloists were Aaron David Miller, Brenda Sevcik, Stephen Self, and Michael Barone. William Eddins conducted.
Much to the amazement of many, including its host and producer Michael Barone, the radio program Pipedreams (also internet-accessible at has been in continuous national distribution by American Public Media for four decades, since October 1983. Yes, Barone had successfully offered a ‘trial balloon’ of 14 programs to the public radio system, beginning January 1982, but no thought had been given to continuation. However, continue it has, and Minnesota Public Radio celebrated Pipedreams with a 40th Anniversary Concert of music for organ and orchestra, which the Twin Cities AGO Chapter also used as a ‘season opener,’ tacking on a banquet for members afterwards.
Irrepressible conductor William Eddins brilliantly led a feisty and responsive pick-up orchestra in a scintillatingly varied program that included the grand and gritty Toccata Festiva by Samuel Barber (Stephen Self, soloist), William Bolcom’s wildly jazzy Humoresk (Brenda Sevcik, soloist), Joseph Jongen’s sumptuous Symphonie Concertante, Op. 81 (Aaron David Miller, soloist), and a little-known Franz Liszt tone poem, Hunnenschlacht (Battle of the Huns, Michael Barone, obbligato organist).
On a gorgeous September afternoon, an audience of more than 1,000 flocked to Bethel University’s Benson Great Hall, with its aurally and visually compelling 67-rank Blackinton pipe organ, to enjoy music, community and cake. Following the concert; the Twin Cities AGO chapter hosted 62 members and distinguished Pipedreams guests at a catered meal that included the annual meeting and installation of officers. What a great way to get the season started! Now we work towards a 50th Pipedreams milestone?
More photos can be found on pages 5, 6, and 7 of the October issue of Pipenotes.
You can also view additional photos at the link below (photos by Steven Cohen; please allow the website a few moments to load):
TCAGO Members Recital
Friday, May 12Chapter members shared a variety of music on the 1970 Schlicker, renovated by Dobson in 2019 (3 manuals, 81 ranks) at Normandale Lutheran Church, Edina. A reception followed the concert.
Jean Marie Hellner: Partita on “Built on a Rock” — — Alfred V. Fedak (b. 1953)
Nils Halker: Veni Sancte Spiritus: Five versets on the Golden Sequence — — Margaret Sandresky (b. 1921)
Emily Roth: Adagio and Final, from Symphony No. 2, Op. 13 — — Charles-Marie Widor (1870–1933)
Kristina Rizzotto: Fantasia for Organ — — Kristina Rizzotto (b. 1989)
David Jenkins: Selections from École d’orgue — — Jaak-Nicolaas/Jacques-Nicolas Lemmens (1823–1881)
No. 20, Introduction and Fugue in C Minor
No. 28, Prélude in E-flat Major
No. 25, Hosannah in G Major
Evelyn Rohrbach: Deuxième Fantaisie — — Jehan Alain (1911–1940)
Aaron Looney: Selections from Twelve Pieces for Organ, Op. 59 — — Max Reger (1873–1916)
No. 5, Toccata in D minor
No. 6, Fugue in D Major
Gregory Peterson: On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring — — Frederick Delius (1862–1934), trans. Nigel Potts (b. 1972)
Gregory Peterson: Pièce d’Orgue (Fantasy) in G major, BWV 572 — — Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)
Special thanks to Normandale Lutheran Church and our host, Gregory Peterson.
Before Bach’s Birthday Bash
Saturday, March 18
The TCAGO held the annual Before Bach’s Birthday Bash, a sequence of five hour-long concerts devoted primarily to music by Johann Sebastian Bach, performed at various venues in Minneapolis.
9:00-10:00 a.m.
Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral
519 Oak Grove Street
10:30-11:30 a.m.2013 Foley-Baker; electro-pneumatic action
(4 manuals, 87 stops, 80 ranks)This event was shared via a LIVE broadcast on YourClassical MPR and live-streamed on the internet. Co-sponsored by American Public Media’s Pipedreams.
Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
511 Groveland Avenue1:00-2:00 p.m.1979 Sipe; mechanical key action; electric stop action
(4 manuals, 55 stops/78 ranks)
First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis
900 Mount Curve Avenue
2:30-3:30 p.m.1961 Holtkamp; electro-pneumatic action
(3 manuals, 27 stops, 35 ranks)
Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church
2020 West Lake of the Isles Parkway
4:00-5:00 p.m.1980 Jaeckel; mechanical key and stop actions
(2 manuals, 19 stops, 28-ranks)
Saint Paul’s Church on Lake of the Isles
1917 Logan Avenue South
1998 Dobson; mechanical key action, electric stop action
(2 manuals, 36 stops, 45 ranks)Organists: Joel Anderson, Samuel Backman, Carolyn Diamond, Christopher Ganza, Samuel Holmberg, Bruce Jacobs, David Jenkins, Stacie Lightner, Ju-Young Lee, Mark Overman, Sarah Palmer, Emily Roth, Joseph Trucano
Additional Instrumental Performers:
Charles Asch (cello), Paul Berget (lute), Elizabeth Bergman (violin), Hui Chen (piano), Carolyn Diamond (piano), Donna Hryniewicki (flute), Chris Kachian (guitar), Hang Liu (cello), Libby Laufers (flute), Jeana Ogren (piano), Garret Ross (piano), Andrea Wallick (cello)
Pipe Organ Discovery Day
Saturday, February 4, 2023, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Ferguson Hall (West Bank) and Northrop (main campus)
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
The TCAGO hosted a special PODD, featuring special guest Isabelle Demers (McGill University, Montréal) with the participation of the Young Women Organists Cohort. Young keyboard players were invited to an introduction to the pipe organ with demonstrations and hands-on access to instruments by Van Daalen, Bedient, and Æolian-Skinnerat the University of Minnesota.
Presentation and Masterclass with Bruce Neswick
Saturday morning, October 8, 2022
Christ Church Lutheran Church
3244 34th Avenue South, Minneapolis
Bruce Neswick, renowned concert organist and church musician, gave a
presentation and masterclass for organists on the topics of hymn and service playing, and singing the psalms. This free member event will featured the 29-rank Dobson pipe organ.
Bruce Neswick is Canon for Music at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Portland, Oregon. Prior to this appointment he was Associate Professor of Organ Music at Indiana University’s Jacobs School of Music.
Mr. Neswick holds the Fellowship degree from the Royal School of Church Music. He has served on the faculties of and performed for numerous church music conferences, including the Association of Anglican Musicians, Westminster Choir College Summer Session, the Sewanee Church Music Conference, among others. He was a featured recitalist at the national AGO conventions in Seattle and Washington, DC, and featured performer at the Dallas and Boston national conventions.
A celebrated composer of organ and choral music, Mr. Neswick’s music is published by Paraclete, Augsburg-Fortress, Selah, Vivace, Hope, Plymouth, and St. James Press. His skill at improvisation garnered him three first prizes from the 1989 San Anselmo Organ Festival; the 1990 American Guild of Organists' national convention in Boston; and the 1992 Rochette Concours at the Conservatoire de Musique in Geneva, Switzerland. He is a graduate of Pacific Lutheran University and Yale University’s School of Music and Institute of Sacred Music. His teachers include Robert Baker, David Dahl, Gerre Hancock, Margaret Irwin-Brandon, and Lionel Rogg. He was awarded an honorary doctorate in 2016 by the University of the South, Sewanee, TN.
Bruce Neswick is represented in North America exclusively by Phillip Truckenbrod Concert Artists, LLC.
Gala Concert Opening Event & Dinner
Sunday afternoon, September 25, 2022
St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church
900 Stillwater Road, Mahtomedi, MNMembers of the Twin Cities Chapter of the AGO presented a Gala Concert featuring the 108-rank 1929 Casavant/2001 Schantz pipe organ.
Host Michael Barone provided commentary between the performers. The annual TCAGO member dinner, catered by the Lake Elmo Inn and for members and their guests only, followed the concert in the beautiful new Gathering Space and Fellowship Hall. Additionally, there was an installation of officers and a special program.
Samuel Backman; Bill Chouinard; Carolyn Diamond, piano; Isaac Drewes; Charles Echols; Ju Young Lee; Stacie Lightner and Donna Hryniewicki, flute; Sarah Palmer; Kris Rizzotto; Emily Roth; Brenda Sevcik; and Noah Strom.
Works by:
Miles Davis, Emma Lou Diemer, Herbert Howells, David N. Johnson, Alvars Kalējs, Olivier Messiaen, Peter Planyavsky, Brenda Portman, Maurice Ravel, James H. Rogers, Guy Weitz, and Pietro Yon.
Hector Olivera: Tantalizing Transcriptions and Tangos
Presentation by Hector OliveraSunday, June 5, 2022
Carlson Family Stage
Northrop, University of MinnesotaInternationally acclaimed organ virtuoso Hector Olivera made his Northrop debut in a program that featured works by Meyerbeer, Elmore, Franck, Vierne, and more. Beginning years ago as a child prodigy in Buenos Aires, the Juilliard-trained organist now commands the finest organs on the world stage. Acclaimed for his prodigious technical proficiency and the uncanny effect he has on his audience, Maestro Olivera is a passionate, gifted, and unique musician, whose personal interpretations of both classical and popular music have amazed and delighted audiences around the world.
The event began with the premier of a 45-minute documentary, The Northrop Organ: Past, Present and Future. The film tells the story of Northrop’s Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ, Opus 892, from its beginning in 1932 to the present day. The documentary is produced by the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists in anticipation of the regional convention in the Twin Cities coming July 2023.
Immediately following the concert, a celebratory reception was held at the Campus Club in Coffman Memorial Union hosted by the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.
The Art of Transcription:Vivaldi’s "Seasons" and The Tangos of Astor PiazzollaMonday, June 6, 2022
Carlson Family Stage
Northrop, University of Minnesota
A presentation by Hector Olivera for TCAGO included transcriptions and improvisation in an interview format.
Before Bach's Birthday Bash
—with a tip-of-the-hat to Max Reger, Bach’s biggest ‘fan’ (b. March 19, 1873)
Saturday, March 19, 2022
Saint Paul, MinnesotaA return of the annual Before Bach’s Birthday Bash, this year sharing space with Max Reger (b. March 19, 1873) and honoring the ‘traditional date’ of the birth of Johann Sebastian Bach (March 21, 1685), sponsored by the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. The day's performances were a musical journey from one end of Summit Avenue to the other. See the programs from the day's events:
St. Mary’s Chapel of the Saint Paul Seminary
St. Clement's Episcopal Church
The House of Hope Presbyterian Church
The performers included:
Russ Carlson – Mary Dinesen – Isaac Drewes – Cléa Galhano – Christopher Ganza – Pascal Givot – Kathrine Handford – Kathleen Hollar – Sam Holmberg – Maxwell Howard – David Jenkins – Ju Young Lee – Donald Livingston – Aaron David Miller – Jeana Ogren – Mark Overman – Wolfgang Rübsam – Stephen Self – Bill Wilson
*Hour 1 originally planned for the Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas
Historic Organ Crawl to Western Wisconsin
Saturday, November 13, 2021
The TCAGO Pipe Organ Heritage Committee organized an event to hear and play four historic organs in Menomonie and Hudson, Wisconsin. There was a 30-minute recital/demonstration followed by 30-minute open console at each of the churches, and a tour and slide presentation of the beautiful Mabel Tainter Theater.
See the December 2021/January 2022 issue of Pipenotes for a superb account of the day's events.
The day’s schedule was:
10:00 a.m. Peace Lutheran Church, Mark Pruett, organist
917 7th St E, Menomonie, Wisconsin
11:15 a.m. First Congregational UCC, Evelyn Rohrbach, organist
420 Wilson Ave, Menomonie, Wisconsin
12:15 p.m. Lunch, downtown Menomonie
1:45 p.m. Mabel Tainter Center for the Arts, Fran Linhart, host
205 Main St E, Menomonie, WI 54751
4:00 p.m. Living Vine Church (formerly First Baptist), Hudson, Andrew Jacob, organist
309 Vine St, Hudson, Wisconsin
1863/1872 George Jardine & Son
Biographies of Performers and Presenters
Andrew Jacob is the Organist and Co-Director of Music at Augustana Lutheran
Church in West Saint Paul, Minnesota. A multiple prize winner, he has twice been awarded the Pipedreams Scholarship for young organists and was the recipient of the 2019 Ruth and Paul Manz Scholarship Competition administered by the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. He was awarded the 2021 Richard VanScriver Church Music Scholarship through Metropolitan Music Ministries in Charlotte, North Carolina, and most recently, was awarded the 2021 Student Commissioning Grant through the American Guild of Organists. Andy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in music from St. Olaf College where his primary teachers included Dr. Catherine Rodland (repertoire) and James E. Bobb (service playing). He received a Master of Music degree in organ performance from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts under the guidance of Dr. Timothy Olsen.
Fran Linhart is a performer, arranger, author, and educator. She began her
musical career playing the organ at the Oak Lawn roller rink in Chicago, Illinois. After college, she traveled as a staff artist for the Wurlitzer Company and Yamaha, performing in the US, Canada, Mexico, and Japan. She has served as a church organist and a choir director in Chicago at the Universalist Society of Geneva; Mayfair Presbyterian; and the First Congregational Church of Glen Ellyn, Illinois. She has been an organist at the James J. Hill House Museum in Saint Paul, and, for five years, she was the accompanist for the fifty-member Edina Singing Seniors. In 2017, she performed as a guest artist at the Organ Historical Society National Convention.
As a senior editor at Hal Leonard Publishing, she arranged music for piano, keyboard, and organ. She is the author of books on improvisation and sequencing, and of a textbook for Yamaha. She has also written instructional materials for the Lowrey Organ Company, Roland, and the Kawai Piano Company.
As an educator, she was Director of the Yamaha Music Schools in the United States, as well as Director of Education at Roland. She has taught improvisation at Marquette University and the University of Southern California.
She currently plays keyboard with the Hamline House Band, is staff organist for the Mabel Tainter Performing Arts Center in Menomonie, Wisconsin, serves as a substitute musician for churches in the Twin Cities and western Wisconsin, and maintains a teaching studio in her home. She is a member of the TCAGO and the Organ Historical Society.
Evelyn Rohrbach, 17, lives in Hammond, Wisconsin and is in 11th grade at Saint
Croix Central Virtual School. Evelyn is the organist/pianist at First Congregational United Church of Christ in Menomonie, Wisconsin, and St. Mary’s Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Hammond, Wisconsin. She held the organist/pianist position at Rush River Lutheran in River Falls, Wisconsin, from 2017–2021.
Evelyn has studied organ with Dr. Christa Rakich and Dr. Laura Edman. She has won and placed in several piano competitions, including a six-time Badger State Wisconsin Music Teachers Association winner (4th through 10th grades), semifinalist in the Milwaukee Symphony Concerto Competition and runner-up in the Chippewa Valley Symphony Concerto Competition. Evelyn was awarded first place in The Bill and Pat Medley Pre-College Piano Competition in May 2020 and was the winner of the 2020 MTNA Composition Competition in Minnesota. She is a two-time recipient of the TCAGO Organ Scholarship and has performed twice at the TCAGO spring concerts.
Evelyn has a passion for sacred music and both solo and collaborative performance. She also enjoys opera, cooking, and all things sheep. Evelyn spins, knits, crochets, raises a small flock of Targhee sheep that she breeds and shows for wool and herds with her 2-year-old border collie, Dottsie.
2020–2021 back to top
TCAGO Year End Event
Sunday, May 2, 2021
4:00 PM CDT
via ZoomThe meeting included an opening welcome and brief update by David Jenkins, a promotional video teaser of Northrop documentary for the Fall 2021 opening event; show and tell 'spotlights' from members showcasing what they have been up to the past 12 months; and insights from each other.
Remember Well the Future:
Preparing a New Generation of Church MusiciansMonday, April 19, 2021
6:30 PM
TCAGO WEBINARConversations in the church about change often make assumptions about the wants or needs of younger generations, but seldom are their voices present in such dialogue. This Webinar – via Zoom – featured a panel of young church musicians. Moderated by Lutheran Summer Music church music faculty Laura Potratz and Chad Fothergill, these church musicians in their 20s, from various denominations, discussed some of the pressing cultural, stylistic, and vocational concerns of our time from their perspectives. Together, they considered such questions as:
- What do younger generations seek from the church and its liturgy?
- What is helpful or unhelpful about assumptions made on their behalf?
- Do words like “traditional,” “contemporary,” or "authentic” matter?
- Are there discrepancies between the aspirations of young leaders and what they feel is expected of them, or between their training and experience?
- How can educational organizations and institutions better equip and support new generations of leaders in changing cultural and technological contexts, especially in a post-pandemic paradigm?
March 14-21, 2021 - A Virtual Event
Visit the links below to hear the performances:
Opening and Welcome
Day 1 - March 14
Pascal Givot and Evan Pechacek, TCAGO Local Performers
Day 2 - March 15Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645
Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 599
Wer nun den lieben Gott, BWV 642
Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, BWV 641
Katie Gunn, TCAGO Local PerformerDay 3 - March 16
Prelude and Fugue in A minor, BWV 543
Sarah Palmer, TCAGO Local PerformerDay 4 - March 17
Prelude and Fugue in A minor, BWV 544
Kathrine Handford, TCAGO Local PerformerDay 5 - March 18
Harpsichord Toccata in C minor, BWV 911
Catherine Rodland, TCAGO Local PerfomerDay 6 - March 19
Orgelbüchlein (Little Organ Book):
O Lamm Gottes unschuldig, BWV 618
Christ du Lamm Gottes, BWV 619
Christus der uns selig macht, BWV 620
Da Jesus am dem Kreuze stund, BWV 621
O mensch bewein dein Sunde gross, BWV 622
Wir danke dir Herr Jesu Christ, BWV 623
Hilf Gott dass mirs gelinge, BWV 624
Christ lag in Todesbanden, BWV 625
Samuel Long, TCAGO Local PerformerDay 7 - March 20
Toccata, Adagio & Fugue in C, BWV 564
Samuel Backman & Adrian Volovets, TCAGO Local PerformersDay 8 - March 21
Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor, BWV 582
Happy Birthday, Johann Sebastian Bach!
We hope you’ve been able to share in our multifaceted "Before Bach’s Birthday Bash" feast. Thanks to 'technical caterer' Jeremy Haug for facilitating this lavish spread, and to the numerous performers and audio-video technicians, young and young-at-heart, whose presentation of Bach’s great music has provided such a remarkable repast.Visit Michael Barone's curated list of Daily Nightcaps of Bach for even more Bach!
A closing Michael Barone Reflection can be found here.
Might we also encourage you to listen to a program from the PIPEDREAMS Archive (#8576, "Bach and Forth"), something Michael Barone put together back in 1985. It reflects on the nuance of change and the seemingly perpetual challenge and amazement that the works of Bach have presented to performers from Day One. I don’t pretend that my insights are profound but do hope they stir up your thinking. We’ve learned a lot in the 36 years since the Bach Tercentenary, and likely will continue with new discoveries and approaches to his music in the years to come. It will be, as has been proven, an infinite resource and treasure. Thanks for listening!
—Michael Barone and the Twin Cities American Guild of Organists
2019–2020 back to top
TCAGO 2019-2020 Opening Event
On September 22, 2019, the Twin Cities AGO Chapter opened its 'season' with a guest appearance by James D. Hicks playing the 107-rank 1963 Phelps-Casavant organ at Central Lutheran Church in downtown Minneapolis. He offered an unusual, contemporary all-Scandinavian program (works by Kjell Mørk Karlsen, Gunnar Idenstam, Lars Karlsson, Bernhard Christensen, Sigurd Saevarsson, Fredrik Sixten, Kristian Blak, Anders Börjesson, and Christian Praestholm) that included pieces Hicks has commissioned or premiered and have been included (or will be) in his ongoing Nordic Journey compact disc series for Pro Organo. Members remained for a reception and a delicious catered 'Nordic Feast' (smørrebrød, frikadeller, cucumber salad, red cabbage and potatoes, Swedish almond cake, akvavit) in the church’s spacious new atrium space adjacent the sanctuary.
Our sincere thanks to Mark Sedio, the most gracious hospitality of Central Lutheran; Kathrine Handford, Michael Barone, and Bob Vickery for their special contributions to the success of the 2019-2020 TCAGO Opening Event.
Central Lutheran Church
James D. Hicks, featured organist
Dinner reception for members, Central Lutheran Church's atrium
2018–2019 back to top
Our Members' Social in June at Skyrock Farm & Carousel in Medina included a tour of its carousel and dance organ collection, followed by dinner with a movie and theater organ silent film entertainment by Mark Fideldy.
Our Annual Members Recital on the first Friday evening in May at Maternity of Mary Roman Catholic Church in Saint Paul offered up a diverse and varied program on the two-manual, 18-stop mechanical action 1977 Casavant pipe organ. Organ performers included:
Jane Nienaber, Scott Turkington, Jennifer Anderson, Adrian Volovets, Mark Overman, Peter Vanderwaal, Stephen Self, Katie Moss, Dorothy Williams, Jacob Benda and Jennifer Wildeson (violin), Harrison Lawrence and Evelyn Rohrbach.
DIETERICH BUXTEHUDE (1637-1707): Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne in C, BuxWV 137
--Jane Nienaber, soloistTYLER PIMM (b. 1991): Chorale with Variations, Christ lag in Todesbanden**
--Scott Turkington, soloistARVO PÄRT (b. 1935): Trivium (1988)
--Jennifer Anderson, soloistHEINRICH SCHEIDEMANN (1595-1663): Gott sei gelobet und gebenedeiet
--Evelyn Rohrbach, soloistJ. S. BACH: Vivace (i.), fr. Trio Sonata No. 6 in G, BWV 530
--Adrian Volovets, soloistCHRISTIAN HEINRICH RINCK (1770-1846): Variations, Herr Jesus Christ, dich zu uns wend
--Mark Overman, soloistJEAN-JACQUES GRUNENWALD (1911-1982): Offertoire (Ricercare), fr. Cinq Pieces pour l’Office Divin
--David Lim, soloistJEFF ENNS: Variations on D’ou, viens-tu, Bergere?*
--Stephen Self, soloistHUGO DISTLER: Partita, Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme
--Katie Moss, soloistJOHANN PHILIPP KIRNBERGER (1721-1783): Komm, komm, du Geist des Lebens
--Dorothy Williams, soloistDAVID BEDNALL: Marian Suite for Violin and Organ (Ave Maria – Mary’s Lullaby – Ave maris stella)
--Jacob Benda, organ; Jennifer Wildeson, violinGEORG BÖHM: Praeludium in C
--Harrison Lawrence, soloist*/** The brand new scores by Jeff Enns and Tyler Pimm took First (*) and Second (**) Prizes in the 2018 Twin Cities AGO Composition Competition
David Briggs offered a variety of programs on four splendid instruments in one week
Noontime Concert
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Guest soloist David Briggs (from New York City) played a noontime concert on the 57-rank Casavant organ at the Church of St. Louis, King-of-France.
Mahler’s Symphony No. 6, complete
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Visiting artist David Briggs presented a spectacular solo-organ transcription of Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 6, featuring the 89-rank Skinner and Aeolian-Skinner/Quimby pipe organs in the Cathedral of Saint Paul.
Workshop & Masterclass
Thursday, April 4, 2019
Visiting artist David Briggs presented a workshop & masterclass for organists and listeners, on the 70-rank Holtkamp in Boe Chapel on the campus of St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN.
Silent film accompaniment
Friday, April 5, 2019
Visiting artist David Briggs improvised accompaniment on the silent file classic “Nosferatu” on the Holtkamp pipe organ in Boe Chapel on the campus of St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Visiting artist David Briggs presented a masterclass for students and curious auditors, co-sponsored by the Sioux Trails Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, featuring the Hilgreen-Lane/Hendrickson pipe organ in Christ Chapel on the campus of Gustavus Adolphus College in Saint Peter, MN.
Solo Concert
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Visiting artist David Briggs plays a solo concert on the 55-rank Hilgreen-Lane/Hendrickson pipe organ in Christ Chapel on the campus of Gustavus Adolphus College in Saint Peter, MN.
Celebration of the 35th Anniversary of Pipedreams
On Sunday, September 23, 2018, the Twin Cities American Guild of Organists honored Michael Barone and his 35 years of Pipedreams in partnership with Minnesota Public Radio.Throngs of eager organ enthusiasts gathered for a “Barone Meet and Greet” prior to the concert celebration. Local performers included Michael Barone, Jacob Benda, David Cherwien, Kathrine Handford, Raymond Johnston, Melanie Ohnstad, Jessica Park, Catherine Rodland, and Robert Vickery. Michael Unger performed two pieces in the Pipedreams-commissioned set of Preludes and Fugues in jazz-inspired Preludes and Fugues by Henry Martin.
Michael Barone at the console
Performers left to right: Jessica Park, Michael Unger, Melanie Ohnstad, David Cherwien, Catherine Rodland, Jacob Benda, Michael Barone, Robert Vickery, Kathrine Handford
When two hours and thirty minutes were not enough ‘organ’ immersion celebration, sixty TCAGO members and friends gathered with Michael to hold our annual meeting and to continue the celebration where guest speaker Dr. Haig Mardirosian shared stories to conclude the evening. Mardorisian is the author of the recently-released monograph J. Michael Barone and Pipedreams: The Organ on Public Radio, available from The American Organist (
Celebration "stop list" cupcakes
The Visser-Rowland organ in the 2000-seat sanctuary of Wooddale Church (6630 Shady Oak Road, Eden Prairie, Minnesota) has five manuals, 74 stops, and 114 ranks. The largest pipe organ in Minnesota, the main console action is mechanical, supplemented by an electrical secondary console.Thirty-five years ago, Michael Barone created Pipedreams for Minnesota Public Radio. Now heard all over the country on public radio and available world-wide on the internet, the weekly broadcasts feature a treasury of original recordings and a provide a unique media presence for the King of Instruments.View a PDF of the 35th Anniversary of Pipedreams program.View additional photos at the TCAGO Facebook page. (NOTE: you do not need to have a Facebook account to view these photos).
Annual Members Recital
On Friday, May 4, 2018, we concluded our 2017-2018 program year with the annual Members' Recital at Arlington Hills Lutheran Church on the 3-manual, 50-rank Holtkamp organ (1985).
Nicolaus Bruhns: Praeludium in E minor “Groß”
Performed by David LimDagmar Koptein: Ach, wie flüchtig
Barbara Heller: Persisches Lied & Mainacht
Performed by Sharon KlecknerRobert Roesch: Suite for Organ
Performed by Evelyn RohrbachCharles Tournemire: Suite for the 5th Sunday in Pentecost
Performed by Bruce JacobsNed Rorem: Selections from Organbook II
Performed by Andrew BirlingMassimo Nosetti: Two Pieces
Performed by Steve GentileDonald Busarow: Prelude, Aria, and Chorale
Performed by David Fienen
Gala Hymn Festival celebrating John Ferguson
On April 27, 2018, a gala hymn festival celebrated the life and work of organist and director John Ferguson, featuring the Holtkamp pipe organ at Boe Chapel of St. Olaf College, with church choirs from the Twin Cities and the St. Olaf Cantorei led by James Bobb and conductor Anton Armstrong.
TCAGO Student Competition
Five talented young organists competed on Saturday, April 21, 2018, at Augustana Lutheran Church in West Saint Paul, Minnesota, for two prizes at the 2005 Glatter-Götz/Rosales organ (2 manuals, 39 stops, mechanical key action, electric stop action).
For details and winner biographies, please see the TCAGO Student Competition page.
Wilma Jensen Workshop Recap and Photos
On Saturday, February 3, 2018, TCAGO members and guests were greeted by a light dusting of snow but were warmly energized by distinguished artist, recitalist, church musician and teacher - Wilma Jensen.
She presented and shared practical examples from her years of experience while exploring thought-provoking and honest illustrations of "what they never taught me and I had to learn on my own."
Through demonstration and conversation we explored 'musical freedom in various periods of history.'
Many thanks to our host churches: St. Andrew's Lutheran (Bill Chouinard) and The St. Paul Cathedral (Lawrence Lawyer), Hospitality Committee (Bjorn Gustafson), and many others who were so gracious in their warm Minnesota welcome for Wilma's visit.
We are grateful to Bob Luther for developing this idea to invite Wilma to present at a workshop, and we thank him for his dedication to the TCAGO and Program Committee.
In the coming weeks we will share the audio and PDF handouts from her workshop. In the meantime, you can enjoy some photos of Wilma seen here and additional photos on our TCAGO Facebook page.
TCAGO Program Committee
Lecture-Performance and Concert: Gail Archer
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Eagan, Minnesota, and the Twin Cities American Guild of Organists were pleased to host international concert organist Gail Archer for a lecture and performance on “Music by Women Composers for the Organ” on November 11 and a concert on November 12, 2017
Ms. Archer was the first American woman to play the complete works of Olivier Messiaen for the centennial of the composer’s birth in 2008. She also serves as director of the young organ artist recitals at historic Central Synagogue in New York City. She is also the founder of Musforum, an international network for women organists to promote and affirm their work.
Rising Stars' Concert Opening Event and Dinner
On Sunday, September 17, 2017, The Twin Cities American Guild of Organists presented a ‘Rising Stars’ concert performed on the elegant two-manual, 39-rank 2007 Reuter pipe organ at St. Bartholomew Catholic Faith Community Church in Wayzata, Minnesota.
The performers were Richard Clarke, Joel Anderson, Jacob Benda, Christopher Ganza, Ben Kerswell, Jessica Park, Anne Phillips, and Cristiano Rizzotto.
The audience heard works by Michael Joncas, Vierne, Mozart, Bach, Ferko, Franck, Mader, Aivars Kalējs, and Tournemire.
Following the concert, the members met for the annual dinner at Medina Golf and Country Club in Medina, Minnesota.
On Friday, November 4, our chapter and friends released a recently produced 25-minute video,
"A Guide for Organ Committees," in the sanctuary of Augustana Lutheran Church, 1400 South Robert Street, West Saint Paul.
We were so blessed to have the collaboration of Kris Langlois and Dee Anne Crossley during the program to sing hymns; and listen to the Glatter-Götz / Rosales Pipe Organ. Mark Aune (Senior Pastor, Augustana Lutheran Church) and Paul Westermeyer (Dean, TCAGO) shared a welcome and opening remarks, underscoring the tremendous support and efforts to implement this project.
Special thanks to Phil Asgian and many others for championing this event and launching this DVD which has already proven to be a beneficial resource. Watch the trailer!
For more photos, visit our Facebook page at:
(Note: you do not need to have a Facebook account to view these photos).
On Saturday, October 15, 2016, our chapter participated in a North Metro organ crawl:
8:30 AM Check-in and refreshments, Benson Great Hall, 3900 Bethel Drive, Saint Paul
9:00 AM Demonstration by Stephen Self on the 2003 Blackinton organ (3 manuals, 67 ranks) in Benson Great Hall
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM Demonstration by Joseph Trucano on the 2004 Fisk (2 manuals, 26 ranks) at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran, 3920 Victoria Street North, Shoreview
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Demonstration by Jay Hunstiger on the Hendrickson/Rodgers digital organ (2 manuals, 108 ranks) at St. John the Baptist, 835 2nd Avenue NW, New Brighton
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Demonstration by Kathy Borgen on the 1986 Holtkamp (3 manuals, 40 ranks) at Christ the King Lutheran, 1900 7th Street NW, New Brighton
On Sunday, September 25, 2016, the Twin Cities Guild of the American Organists opened the season with a vespers service at House of Prayer Lutheran Church in Richfield, Minnesota. We are thankful for the partnership and collaboration with Gustavus Adolphus College: Chad Winterfeldt, Brandon Dean, The Choir of Christ Chapel, The Christ Chapel Ringers, and the Christ Chapel Brass. In addition, we are grateful for our gracious hosts: House of Prayer Lutheran Church and Jon Kietzer.
Following the service, members of the TCAGO gathered for dinner, installation of officers and a “state of the TCAGO” from Dean Westermeyer.
Choir of Christ Chapel
Installation of Officers
Paul Westermeyer at the members dinner
On Friday, May 6, 2016 TCAGO members performed a Max Reger Centenary Festival concert on the magnificent four-manual, 108-rank 1927 Casavant / 2007 Schantz pipe organ at St Andrew's Lutheran Church in Mahtomedi, Minnesota.
The concert commemorated the life and work of Johann Baptist Joseph Maximilian Reger (19 March 1873 – 11 May 1916), a prolific composer, conductor, pianist, organist and teacher. Counted as on of the most influential German composers of his time, composing a staggering body of works during his short lifetime which exhibited his retrospective yet highly celebrated modern style. Arnold Schönberg famously extolled Reger, saying “I consider him a genius.”
Introduction and Passacaglia in d, (without opus); DAVID FIENEN, organ
Benedictus, Op. 59, no. 9; PETER VANDERWAAL, organ
3 Chorale-preludes, fr Op. 67 (No. 41, Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme; No. 14, Herzlich tut mich verlangen; No. 49, Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern); JOHN SCHULTZ, organ
Clarinet Sonata No. 1 in A-flat, Op. 49, no. 1; PAUL SCHIMMING, clarinet; STEPHEN SELF, piano
Ave Maria, Op. 80, no. 5; BILL CHOUINARD, organ
Toccata & Fugue in a, Op. 80, nos. 11/12; JACOB BENDA, organ
BACH (transcription by Reger): Allegro (i.), fr Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F, BWV 1047; PHILIP and CHRISTOPHER BRUNELLE, piano
Songs with Organ Accompaniment [fr Geistliche Lieder, Opus 102 (No. 1, Ich sehe dich in tausend Bildern; No. 2, Meine Seele ist still zu Gott); Wenn in bangen trüben Stunden; Wohl denen, die ohne Tadel leben]. HUGO WOLF (arr. Reger): Gebet; PATRICIA KENT, soprano; KIM KASLING, organ
Chorale-Fantasy, Alle Menschen müssen sterben, Op. 52, #1; ALLAN MAHNKE, organ
The week of May 16, TCAGO Educational Outreach Committee members Margaret Gohman and Phil Asgian conducted classes on how the pipe organ works, its history, how composers use the resources of the organ for various artistic purposes, and a lesson on J.S. Bach, including the "Little Fugue in g minor," at King of Grace Lutheran School in Golden Valley. Mini Opus, ourdemonstration instrument, was put to good use. We started with third and fourth grade students, and then added the fifth grade and some adult students as more became intrigued with learning about the "King of Instruments."
On March 19, 2016, the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists ( in conjunction with the Bach Society of Minnesota, the Twin Cities Early Music Festival, and Classical Minnesota Public Radio, presented a day-long Before Bach’s Birthday Bash, a sequence of hour-long concerts at churches along Summit Avenue in Saint Paul (MN) honoring both J.S.B. (born 3/21/1685) and his foremost ‘student’, Max Reger (b. 3/19/1873). Enjoy some pictures from the day’s activities!
A big THANK YOU to our performers and technical teams for making these events happen successfully. We estimate roughly 450 people enjoyed music throughout the day, and a large number of them were with us for the entire sequence of five concerts. Roughly 300 attended the final concert at The House of Hope Presbyterian Church. Great thanks to Michael Barone who compiled, produced, programmed and hosted this wonderful day celebrating J.S.B. and Reger.
Several photos can be seen below; however check out our Facebook page for many more photos and descriptions. Note: you do not need to hold a Facebook account to view these photos.)
Concert #1
At our first venue, the Saint Paul Seminary Chapel, the audience listened attentively to some early morning counterpoint. This hour was broadcast live by Classical MPR.
Concert #2
The second Before Bach’s Birthday Bash concert took place at 10:30 a.m. in the St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel of the University of St. Thomas in Saint Paul, MN, and featured the elegant 56-rank Gabriel Kney organ (1987).
Concert #3
After a lunch break, at 1 p.m. we visited the intimate Episcopal Church of St. Clement on Portland Avenue and heard performances featuring its 26-rank Aeolian-Skinner organ (1964).
Concert #4
After a few-blocks walk from St. Clement’s, our 2:30 p.m. program took place at Unity Unitarian Church on Holly Avenue, featuring the 44-rank Noack organ (1965), the first modern three-manual mechanical-action instrument installed west of the Mississippi. We had a decent post-lunch audience here!
Concert #5
For the final event at 4 o’clock, the sun had come out and we walked a block from Unity to The House of Hope Presbyterian Church, where the landmark 97-rank C.B. Fisk organ (1979) was put through its paces. A very nice audience showed up for this truly grand finale!
It was a great day, from beginning to end. Join us next year for the next Before Bach’s Birthday Bash (3/18/2017…venues TBD).
The Twin Cities Early Music Festival Ensemble (Clea Galhano & Alan Kolderie, recorders; Margaret Humphrey & Miriam Scholz-Carlson, violins; Ginna Watson, viola; Tulio Rondon, cello; Sara Thompson, bass; Donald Livingston, harpsichord) played the first movement of Bach’s Harpsichord Concerto No. 6 in F, BWV 1057 (which is a transposition and slight rearrangement of the Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G).
Performers included (left to right): Adrian Volovets (private student of Kevin Seal, who played his own transcription of two Motets from Reger’s Opus 138, Nachtlied and Der Mensch lebt und bestehet); Sharon Kleckner (who played three pieces from Reger’s Opus 59…Gloria, Melodia, and Te Deum); Joel Kumro (student of Kim Kasling at St. John’s University, who played Bach’s Prelude & Fugue in E-flat, BWV 552); Joanne Rodland (who played Bach’s Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein, BWV 668); and Kalle Akkerman (who played Bach’s Piece d’orgue in G, BWV 572).
Left-to-right: Twin Cities free-lancers flutist Hannah Peterson Green and organist Joseph Trucano played the Sonata in E-flat, BWV 1031. (There is some question whether this piece was compose by JSB, and possibly by Carl Philip Emmanuel Bach…but that middle movement…is it by CPE, really?) Resident musician Nils Halker played Bach’s Prelude & Fugue in C, BWV 545 and three Reger chorale-preludes from Opus 67 (O Welt, ich muss dich lassen, Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, and Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele). Julie Yoonjeong Kim (University of Minnesota student of Dean Billmeyer) played Reger’s Toccata & Fugue in d, Opus 129, nos. 1 and 2. Cynthia Rapacke Betz played Bach’s chorale-prelude Von Got will ich nicht lassen, BWV 658. And David Fienen played two additional Bach chorale-preludes (An Wasserflüssen Babylon, BWV 653 and Allein Gott in der Höh, BWV 663).
We also enjoyed a performance on Unity’s Mason & Hamlin grand piano by Fanya Lin (U of MN student of Lydia Artymew) of Bach’s Prelude & Fugue in F-sharp-minor, BWV 833 (WTC Book 2), and Lindsay Schlemmer (from Hour One, previously depicted) provided two additional movements from the Reger Solo Cello Suite No. 3.
Our organists at Unity included (l to r) Tom Ferry (from Como Park Lutheran) playing a set of three Bach pieces (Fugue in G-minor, BWV 578, plus chorale-preludes Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 659, and Nun danket alle Gott, BWV 657); Andrew Hackett (from Hennepin Avenue United Methodist, Minneapolis) who played Bach’s Prelude & Fugue in B-minor, BWV 544; and Bruce Jacobs (technician at Twin Cities Public Television) who played a set of Bach Orgelbüchlein chorale-preludes (In Dir ist Freude, Christe, du Lamm Gottes, Alle Menschen müssen sterben and Komm, Gott Schöpfer, heiliger Geist).
Here are the organists for the final event. Back row, left: Noah Klein (a high-school student from Northfield (private student of Kevin Seal, and finalist in this year’s MPR Varsity Competition) played Bach’s Prelude & Fugue in C, BWV 547, which itself was an interesting prelude to the Art of Fugue selections by Ms. Lin. Back row, right: Joel Kumro, making an encore appearance, this time playing Reger’s lovely Benedictus, Op. 59, no. 9 (with registration assist by ADM).
And, seated front and center at the Fisk console, in his splendid Chicago casual spring garb, the incredible Aaron David Miller, who literally raised the roof with Reger's Opus 46. Wow! This piece provided as fine a tribute as could be paid the Baroque master J.S.B. And Aaron’s performance, played with such stupendous brio (and self-registered, too, on the Fisk without any significant registration aids!), provided a wonderful and fitting birthday tribute to Reger in this year of the centenary of his death (d. 5/11/1916).
University of Minnesota pianist Chun-Han Sophia Lin (a student of Alexander Braginsky) astonished us with her from-memory performance of several movements from Bach’s Art of Fugue (Contrapuncti IX, X, XI and XIV). That final fugue, left incomplete by Bach at the point where he stated his name with the motive B-flat/A/C/B-natural (B-A-C-H in German musical notation), was a perfect prelude to our day’s last music, Reger’s monumental Fantasy and Fugue on B-A-C-H, Opus 46.
A day of discovery for young music students was a great success, once again. Many thanks toTCAGO members Phil Asgian, Pamela Carlson, Margaret Gohman, Bjorn Gustafson, Phillip Radtke, and Michael Barone for volunteering your time and talents to the event. This year, an organ dedication was part of the event during the afternoon session. There were several students new this year to PODD, as well as several participants from previous PODDs. Eighteen students and 12 adults participated in the morning event, and about a dozen members of the congregation came after the PODD and before the dedication to learn more about the instruments. Thank you to all our participants and parents for your interest in the pipe organ!
The Twin Cities American Guild of Organists (TCAGO) was pleased to present a WIDOR FESTIVAL illuminating the music of Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937) from January 24 through February 7, 2016 featuring The Bakken Trio; Choral and Organ Music at the Cathedral of Saint Paul; a Lecture by Widor Biographer John Near; and Symphony No. 3, Opus 69 for Organ and Orchestra.
We sincerely thank ALL who worked so diligently to put this expansive WIDOR FESTIVAL together: especially the brainstorm of a “good idea” by the TCAGO program committee (David Jenkins, Michael Barone, Bob Luther, Bob Vickery, Kraig Windschitl, and Jeremy Haug). The event could not have been executed successfully without the host locations, choirs, organists, conductors, performers and promoters for successfully doing their part with grace and commitment.
Our deepest appreciation and respect to John Near, around whom the idea grew while providing intriguing content and context throughout.
Public participation was also very good through the entire festival: nearly sold-out crowd at the Bakken Trio concert, a very notable crowd on Friday night at the Cathedral; sufficient intimate bunch Saturday morning, and astonishing on Sunday afternoon.
A snapshot of photos is provided below. For more photos visit the TCAGO Facebook page:
Additional Thanks to:
The Bakken Trio;
Choirs for The Cathedral of Saint Paul event:
The Cathedral of Saint Paul, Sean Vogt, director
St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church, Jayson R. Engquist, director
The Church of the Holy Childhood, Robert Vickery, director
Organists for The Cathedral of Saint Paul event:
Lawrence Lawyer, Jayson Engquist, Catherine Rodland, Brian Carson, Robert VickeryLive Lecture Performance event:
Widor’s Suite for Flute and Piano, Op. 34
Hannah Peterson, flute; Joseph Trucano, pianoWayzata event:
Civic Orchestra of Minneapolis with Cary John Franklin, conductor
Diana Lee Lucker, organ
Event Locations and Sponsors:
The MacPhail Center for Music, Minneapolis, MN
The Cathedral of Saint Paul, Saint Paul, MN
Minnesota Public Radio (MPR), Pipedreams, and American Public Media
Wayzata Community Church, Wayzata, MN
Michael Barone and John Near
The "Massed Choirs" at The Cathedral of Saint Paul
Catherine Rodland, organist
Michael Barone and John Near
John Near, Widor biographer
Live Performance: Joseph Trucano, piano; Hannah Peterson, flute
John Near with Civic Orchestra of Minneapolis
Diana Lee Lucker, organist, with Cary John Franklin, conductor, Civic Orchestra of Minneapolis
On Friday, September 18, The TCAGO was pleased to present an organ concert by Alcee Chriss (Oberlin Conservatory of Music graduate and prize winner) on the 67-rank Lively-Fulcher pipe organ at St. Olaf Catholic Church, Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota (215 South 8th Street).
Alcee has performed throughout the United States and France and showcased his virtuosity and versatility on Friday night. We are so blessed to have experienced his grace, skill and proficiency as a musician.
After the concert nearly 90 TCAGO members and guests gathered for the annual installation of board members and browsed the used music sale organized by TCAGO member, Jeff Patry. We send glorious thanks to Carsten Slostad and the Hospitality committee for arranging such a delightful meal – complete with wine graciously donated by “The Organ Doctor”, David Engen.
Pictured here, left to right, are Alcee Chriss, Michael Barone, and David Jenkins. You can find more photos on the TCAGO Facebook page by clicking here.
May Members Concert
The Twin Cities American Guild of Organists ( was pleased to present its 2015 Members Organ Recital on Friday evening, May 1. Resident Musician Jane Horn invited us to visit St. Michael’s Lutheran Church (9201 Normandale Boulevard, Bloomington, MN 55427) and share the sounds of the splendid 48-rank Reuter organ.
It was a glorious evening in Bloomington, MN. We thank our performers: Jennifer Anderson, Matt Bacon, Stephen Hamilton, Samuel Holmberg, Jane Horn, Grant Johnson, Ben Kerswell, Sharon Kleckner, Geoff Olson, Jonathan Orwig, Jeff Patry and William J. William. In addition, we show appreciation to “Mike’s Brass” for the pre-concert music and participating in this event.
Extreme recognition is given to our hospitality committee under the guidance of Carsten Slostad and Bjorn Gustafson for the social time and reception after the recital.
We are blessed to close our 2014-2015 program year with a diversity of performers, genre and composers. Watch for more information announcing our 2015-2016 program year.
Additional photos are posted on our TCAGO Facebook page – CLICK HERE. (Note: you do not require a Facebook account to view these photos.)
Bach's Birthday Bash
On Saturday, March 21, 2015, several members and friends of the Twin Cities AGO chapter helped to celebrate Bach’s 330th Birthday (b. March 21, 1685). Thank you to Michael Barone for the leadership and coordination.
Several photos are below; and more photos available online at Facebook – Bach Bash 2015 – CLICK HERE
9:00-10:00 AM at Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church (511 Groveland Avenue, Minneapolis) featuring the 78-rank 1980 Robert Sipe mechanical-action pipe organ
The first hour’s program was broadcast live on Classical Minnesota Public Radio network stations (KSJN-99.5FM in the Twin Cities; also streamed live online at and featuring members and friends of the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, student musicians from St. Olaf College and the University of Minnesota School of Music, and members of the National Lutheran Choir and the Bach Society of Minnesota.
10:30-11:30 AM at First Unitarian Society (900 Mount Curve Avenue, Minneapolis) featuring the 35-rank 1961 Holktkamp neo-Baroque pipe organ
1:00-2:00 PM at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church (2020 West Lake of the Isle Boulevard, Minneapolis) featuring the 28-rank 1980 Daniel Jaeckel pipe organ
2:30-3:30 PM at Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church (1917 Logan Avenue South, Minneapolis) featuring the 45-rank 1998 Dobson pipe organ
4:00-5:00 PM at the Episcopal Cathedral of Saint Mark (519 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis) featuring the 79-rank Foley-Baker pipe organ
Live on the air March 21, 2015 at Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church, Minneapolis...mechanical-action pipe organ from 1980 by Robert Sipe
Michael Barone broadcasting live from Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church, Minneapolis, on March 21, 2015 (Robert Sipe 1980 mechanical-action pipe organ)
The resident choir at Lake of the Isles Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, for the 2015 Bach Bash sponsored by the Twin Cities chapter AGO (American Guild of Organists).
PHOTOS: remember, more photos are available online at Facebook – Bach Bash 2015 – CLICK HERE
Saturday, February 28
Students from grade 3 through 12 attended the annual Pipe Organ Discover Day (PODD) hosted by Phil Asgian at Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church and Pilgrim Lutheran Church in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
getting started with an introduction to the organ at Nativity of Our Lord ChurchMichael Barone Presents: So Much Music, So Little Time…
building a model of the Hydraulus--the earliest water-powered organ
young minds figuring out the wonders of the Hydraulus model
young artist at work on the bench at Pilgrim Lutheran Church
Saturday, February 7
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
UBS Forum Auditorium at MPR Headquarters
480 Cedar Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Michael Barone, Presenter
The irrepressible Michael Barone provided an entertaining audio-visual presentation focused on interesting and unusual repertoire, anniversary composers, recent trends in the organ world, the possibility of an Organ Historical Society convention in Minnesota, and pictures from past PIPEDREAMS tours.
The presenter Biography
Building upon a curiosity which began in his teens, Michael Barone has been involved with the pipe -organ for more than 50 years. As host and senior executive producer of Pipedreams, he is recognized nationally for his outstanding contributions to the world of organ music. Pipedreams began in 1982, and it remains the only nationally distributed weekly radio program exploring the art of the pipe organ. Michael’s talent and commitment have been recognized with numerous awards, including the American Guild of Organists President’s Award in 1996, the Distinguished Service Award of the Organ Historical Society in 1997 and the 2001 ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award. In November 2002 he was selected for induction to the Minnesota Music Hall of Fame.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Buetow Auditorium, Concordia University
300 Hamline Ave, Saint Paul, Minnesota
This past Saturday, January 10, nearly 70 friends and members of the Twin CitiesChapter of the American Guild of Organists ( gathered for a Winter Walcha workshop and to learn about mental skills for musicians.
Dr. Delbert Disselhorst and Dr. Vanessa Cornett-Murtada presented a half-day workshop on organ literature and performance skills, featuring a presentation on the summit of 20th-century neo-Baroque composition and Bach interpretation represented by Helmut Walcha, and an introduction to mental skills for all performers by an internationally recognized wellness teacher and pianist.
After the event, several gathered at “Fabulous Ferns Restaurant” for lunch and more socializing.
Special thanks to Kris Langlois and Concordia University - St. Paul for hosting the event. We were blessed to have Carsten Slostad providing hospitality serving pastries, coffee and cider on the cold winter morning in Minnesota.
More photos posted on the TCAGO facebook page:
TCAGO Program and Publicity Committee
Organ Concert, Stephen Tharp
Friday, November 21
7:30 PM
Augustana Lutheran Church
1400 Robert Street South
West Saint Paul, MinnesotaInternationally acclaimed virtuoso Stephen Tharp played a solo concert on the Glatter-Götz/Rosales pipe organ.
Sunday, November 9
2:00 PM
Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas [Gabriel Kney 1987, III/56]
University of St. Thomas
Saint Paul, MinnesotaSponsored by University of St. Thomas Music Department Organ Artist Concert Series.
Masterclass with Nathan Laube
Saturday, November 8
9:00 AM–Noon
Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas [Gabriel Kney 1987, III/56]
University of St. Thomas
Saint Paul, Minnesota
West Metro Organ Crawl - Event Photos and Summary
The Twin Cities American Guild of Organists ( is pleased to share a summary of the WEST METRO ORGAN CRAWL – EXPLORATION DAY which was held this past Saturday, October 18.
Partnered with the beautiful weather and exquisite fall colors, several TCAGO members and friends toured around the West Metro of Minneapolis and St. Paul.
We graciously thank Carsten Slostad and our hospitality team for creating a delightful spread of refreshments, which launched our morning at Guardian Angels Catholic in Chaska.
We extended our blessings to Mount Calvary Lutheran Church who hosted the noon lunch with soups from Maynards Restaurant, mini-sandwiches from “the kitchen crew”, bite-sized treats from Truffle Hill, and gourmet brownies from staff organist Jeremy Haug. It is always delightful to eat, socialize, and partake in engaging conversation among fellow organists and friends.
The day-long event featured unique and varied instruments. To view the program and organ specifications – CLICK HERE.
Mary Joy Rieder – Guardian Angels Catholic [Schaeffer 1903; Orvold 1980, II/16]
Kraig Windschitl – Mount Olivet Lutheran [Möller 1956; Rodgers, III/38]
John Ferguson – Mount Calvary Lutheran [Schantz 1994, II/26] *20-Year Organ Celebration
Luke Tegtmeier – Trinity Episcopal [Hendrickson 2008, II/29]
In closing, the members of the TCAGO express utmost gratitude to our hosts:
- Michaela Frie, Guardian Angels Catholic Church
- Kraig Windschitl, Mount Olivet Lutheran
- Jeremy Haug and 20-Year Organ Anniversary Committee, Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
- Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Foundation (sponsorship for lunch)
- Andrew Birling, Trinity Episcopal Church
SCHEDULE SUMMARY – Saturday, October 18
9:30 AM – Hospitality, Guardian Angels Catholic – 215 West Second Street, Chaska, MN 55318
You can view additional photos online at this Facebook album – CLICK HERE. (Note: you do NOT need to be a Facebook member to view these photos).
10:00 AM – Guardian Angels, Chaska (same location)
11:00 AM – Mount Olivet Lutheran – 7150 Rolling Acres Rd, Victoria, MN 55386
NOON – Group Lunch at Mount Calvary Lutheran – 301 County Road 19, Excelsior, MN 55331
1:00 PM – Mount Calvary Lutheran (same location)
2:00 PM – Trinity Episcopal – 322 2nd Street, Excelsior, MN 55331
3:00 PM – Hospitality Hour, Maynards Restaurant – 685 Excelsior Boulevard, Excelsior, MN 55331
Organ & Choral VESPERS with St. Olaf Cantorei and James Bobb
TCAGO Member Dinner with installation of officers
Sunday, September 21, 2014
4:00 PM
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
700 South Snelling Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota
The Twin Cities American Guild of Organists (TCAGO) was pleased to present an Organ & Choral Vespers worship service led by the St. Olaf Cantorei under the direction of James E. Bobb with the 36-rank M.P. Möller pipe organ at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Even with beautiful fall weather, the near-capacity sanctuary was filled with the sounds of organ, choir and congregational song.
After the Vespers service, 60 members of the TCAGO gathered together to install TCAGO board members and share in a meal.
We are so grateful for Tim Strand and Gloria Dei Lutheran Church for hosting; Jamie Bobb, Cathy Rodland, the St. Olaf Cantorei for worship leadership; and Paul Westermeyer for presiding.
2014 back to top
Concert by TCAGO Members
Friday, May 9, 2014
8:00 PM
Zion Lutheran Church
1601 Fourth Avenue South
Anoka, Minnesota
TCAGO members presented a SPRING ORGAN CONCERT performing on the 38-rank Holtkamp Pipe organ at Zion Lutheran Church.
The program repertoire focused on the commissioned works by Marilyn Mason. Professor Mason, who recently retired after 66 years of teaching at the University of Michigan, is one of the most respected figures on the organ scene in the United States. Throughout her career, she has commissioned more than seventy-five works by a wide variety of composers many of which are available in a seven-volume series from MorningStar.
Performers included:
Michael Barone; Host, Classical Minnesota Public Radio Pipedreams®
Kim Crisler; University of Minnesota, Walker-West Music Academy
Mary Jo Gothmann; University of Minnesota, New England Conservatory, St. Olaf College; Principal Organist, Zion Lutheran Church
Nils Halker; Luther College, University of Minnesota, University of Durham (England); Science Museum of Minnesota, Organist, Saint Clement’s Episcopal Church
David Jenkins; St. John’s University, Eastman School of Music, Royal Danish Music Academy (Copenhagen), The Saint Paul Seminary, University of St. Thomas
Jessica Johnston; student at University of Wisconsin, River Falls
Robert A. Luther; Drake University, University of Michigan, Eastman School of Music; Principal Organ Emeritus (1984-2004), Zion Lutheran Church
Kathryn Moen; retired Luther College, Augsburg, Northwestern Seminary, University of Wisconsin, River Falls
Mary Newton; Gustavus Adolphus College, Concordia University Chicago, University of Minnesota; Organist, St. Barnabas Lutheran Church
Joseph Trucano; Eastman School of Music; Classical Minnesota Public Radio
Kraig Windschitl; St. John’s University, Jacobs School of Music; Co-Principal Organist, Mount Olivet Lutheran
Friday, March 28, 2014![]()
The concluding event with the organ residency program at St. Paul Music Academy, a music magnet school in the St. Paul School Systems, was held at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis. Over 200 students from grades 3, 4, and 5, along with teachers and chaperones, attended three sessions focused on compositions highlighting various families of pipes in the organ,
bird song and the organ, including student performances on Chinese bird flutes accompanying the organ, Messiaen and bird song, and a lesson featuring videos on how organs are built. Lessons were led by TCAGO members Melanie Ohnstad, Laura Edman, Margaret Gohman, and Phil Asgian. Michael Barone spoke about the Pipedreams organ program and provided handouts on the organ and upcoming local events. We thank the many Westminster volunteers that helped make this event a success.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
9:30 AM - 3:30 PM, Competition
Sunday, March 23, 2014
3:00 PM, Winners' Concert
Augustana Lutheran Church
1400 S. Robert Street
West St. Paul, Minnesota
Congratulations to the TCAGO 2014 Competition Winners!
First place: Laura Hedstrom
Second place: Phil Radtke
read more about them
The purpose of these competitions is to encourage young organists to pursue excellence, gain performance experience, and receive recognition for their achievements. These competitions begin at the Chapter level and conclude at the Regional Conventions.
First Prize: $2,000, The Schubert Club
Second Prize: $1,000, sponsored by TCAGO member Phil Asgian
Competition judges: David Jenkins, Tom Ferry, and Kris Langlois
Dean Billmeyer, Laura Hedstrom, Phil Radtke
Saturday, March 15, 2014
10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
St. Paul, Minnesota
Another Before Bach’s Birthday Bash, a sequence of four hour-long all-Bach programs at four venues on or near Summit Avenue in Saint Paul, began with a live Classical MPR broadcast (10:00 AM) at the St. Mary Chapel of the Saint Paul Seminary (2260 Summit Avenue)...
Michael Barone, Julie Elhard, Jin Kim, Paul Boehnke, Joe Trucano, David Jenkins, Isaac Drewes, Soyoun Kim
...and continued (11:30 AM) at the St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel of the University of Saint Thomas (Cleveland at Ashland Avenues).
Michael Barone, Dr. Woobin Park, Donald Livingston, Kevin Seal, Andrew Hackett, Daniel Corneliussen, George Fergus
After a lunch break, afternoon events took place (2:00 PM) at the Episcopal Church of St. John the Evangelist (60 Kent Street, at Portland Avenue)...
David Lim, John Schultz, Julie Yoonjeong Kim, Harris Bernstein
...and (3:30 PM) at The House of Hope Presbyterian Church (797 Summit Avenue).
Emily Kahnert, Chun-Han (Sophia) Lin, Aaron David Miller
(not present in photo: Paul Stever)
Co-sponsored by Classical Minnesota Public Radio, the Bach Society of Minnesota, and the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.
For more information, see the digital version of the printed program of the event with repertoire and performers biographies.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
The House of Hope Presbyterian Church
797 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota
The annual Pipe Organ Discovery Day is a superb opportunity for young students with some keyboard experience and an interest in learning more about the pipe organ, with a ‘hands on’ opportunity. A free pizza-lunch is included, but pre-registration is required.
Friday, February 7, 2014
8:00 PM, Dr. John Schwandt, Organ Concert
Saturday, February 8, 2014
8:30 AM – Noon, All New Winter Tune-up Workshops led by Dr. John Schwandt and Dr. James Hammann
St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church
17205 County Road 6
Plymouth, Minnesota
This two-day event featured guest organists and workshop leaders Dr. John Schwandt and Dr. James Hammann.
Friday night, Dr. Schwandt presented a free concert, and on Saturday morning, he led workshops on improvisation and the creative use of organ in worship. Dr. Hammann presented a workshop on the organ music of Felix Mendelssohn.
Refreshments preceded the workshops, and a group lunch followed the morning events.
This event was co-sponsored by TCAGO, St. Philip the Deacon Lutheran Church, and Schantz Organ Company.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
10 AM - 11:30 AM, Lecture-presentation
Minnesota Public Radio
UBS Forum
480 Cedar Street
St. Paul, Minnesota
An illustrated presentation in sights and sounds by organ builder Bertrand Cattiaux (Liourdres, France; with photographs and musical excerpts on the subject of French organbuilding from the sixteenth century until the present. Cattiaux reflected on his experiences restoring and rebuilding numerous old organs, including very famous instruments by Clicquot (Poitiers Cathedral; Versailles Chapel) and Cavaille-Coll (Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris; Saint Sernin, Toulouse). Organists and organ lovers alike learned a great deal from this entertaining and enlightening presentation.
This event was co-sponsored by Pipedreams (Minnesota Public Radio/American Public Media) and TCAGO.