TCAGO Announces 2018 Composition Competition Results
Eleven compositions for pipe organ were submitted to the 2018 Composition Competition sponsored by the Twin Cities Chapter of the American Guild of Organists.
The Competition solicited a previously-unpublished work for solo pipe organ of a Theme and Variations of 3-5 minutes in length. Previously existing melodies used must be in the public domain.
In the unanimous opinion of the judges, no composition achieved first prize. Two entries were awarded second place, splitting the $1500 prize evenly.
Winning $750 each, second-place is awarded to Jeff Enns of Elmira, Ontario, for “Variations on D’où Viens-tu, Bergère?” and to Tyler Jameson Pimm of Madison, Wisconsin, for “Christ lag in Todesbanden: Chorale with Variations.”
Judges were Philip Brunelle, Aaron David Miller, and Lawrence Lawyer.
Requirements for the 2019 Twin Cities American Guild of Organists Composition Competition will be announced in the coming weeks on this page.
Jeff Enns is a native of Waterloo, Ontario. He is music director at St.
James Lutheran Church in Elmira, Ontario, and teaches violin and viola at the Beckett School in Waterloo, Ontario. He sings professionally with the Canadian Chamber Choir and the Elora Festival Singers. Enns has received numerous commissions from across Canada. His works have been performed throughout Canada, the U.S., much of Europe, Japan, and Dubai. His publishers include Morningstar, Cypress Alliance, Renforth, and Kelman Hall.
Tyler Jameson Pimm (b. 1991) is a composer, organist, and pianist
based in Madison, Wisconsin. He has had works performed at the Northern Illinois University New Music Festival (2016), Oregon Bach Festival (2016), and the Charlotte New Music Festival (2014). Tyler was awarded a grant through the University of Minnesota’s Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program to compose new works for the saxophone inspired by Native American idioms, which were premiered at New Mexico State University. Currently, he serves as Director of Music Ministries at the parishes of St. Peter, Ashton, Wisconsin and St. Martin of Tours, Martinsville, Wisconsin. He was granted a Master of Music degree in composition from Northern Illinois University, and has studied with James Russell Brown, Justin Rubin, David Maki, Brian Penkrot, and Robert Fleisher. Tyler is a founding member of the composer-organist duo Vital Organ Project.
Past Winners of the Twin Cities AGO Composition Competition
2017: no prize awarded
2016: Brenda Portman, Elegy
2015: Erik Meyer, Lydian Suite
2014: Kenneth Logan, Maestoso Jubilante: A Wedding Processional
2013: no prize awarded
2012: Craig Carnahan, Psalm 130: Out of the Depths