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Paid placements ended on our website as of December 31, 2024. We have moved to an online list that consolidates all the listings from these websites:
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We highly recommend that search committees and candidates for positions consult this helpful new resource from the National AGO: Employing Musicians in Religious Institutions. A Handbook for Committees and Candidates.
All organizations advertising positions with the TCAGO will receive a packet of information including: Annual Employment Review Guidelines, AGO Code of Professional Standards, Code of Ethics.
Members wishing more information on specific organizations or positions should contact Jeffrey Patry.
Saint Anthony Park Lutheran Church
2323 Como Avenue
Saint Paul, MinnesotaInterim Director of Music and Worship at St. Anthony Park Lutheran Church
--Position has been filled.--
St. Anthony Park Lutheran Church is looking for an Interim Director of Worship and Music to primarily direct our choirs and play the organ and piano on Sundays and special services.
Hourly rate based on St. Paul Area Synod guidelines. 20-30 hrs/week. Blessings and peace!
Please click to see: the full job description.
Exp 12Mar25
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
3045 Chicago Avenue South, Minneapolis
www.mountolivechurch.orgCalvary Episcopal ChurchPosition Summary
Mount Olive Lutheran Church (ELCA) of Minneapolis, Minnesota, seeks to call a full-time Cantor, inclusive of rostered and non-rostered individuals. The person who is called will be only the fourth Cantor in the congregation's 115-year history.
The Cantor of Mount Olive is a primary worship leader and liturgist, leading and enabling the congregation’s song. Roles include organist, director of choral and instrumental ensembles, and educator.
This is a full-time position. The salary range is $72,000—$88,000, plus benefits.
Application Process
To submit your application for this position, please use this link to submit your information and upload a cover letter and resume or CV. The application process is open from December 15, 2024 until January 31, 2025.
The Mount Olive Lutheran Church Call Committee is committed to non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, familial status, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
Please see the full job description.
To apply, use this link:
Exp 27Feb25
111 3rd Ave SW, Rochester, Minnesota
https://calvary-rochester.orgPosition Summary
Calvary Episcopal Church in Rochester, Minnesota, is seeking the right person to be our next Minister of Music, Organist, and Minister of Musical Outreach (MOM). This is a full-time position with salary commensurate with experience, and full benefits.
Education: Bachelor’s Degree minimum
Type: Full Time
Reports to: Rector
Salary and Benefits: The salary range follows guidelines for education and experience. Benefits include health insurance, continuing education and vacation.
Please see the job announcement page with a link to the full description.
If you are interested in applying, please submit your resume, information about education, experience, recitals, and other items of interest to the Rector, the Rev. V. Beth Royalty at The deadline for application is January 22, 2025.
Exp 27Feb25
Saint Paul Area Synod ELCA job openingsMinneapolis Area Synod ELCA music jobs
Episcopal Church in Minnesota jobsUnited Methodist Church Minnesota Conference jobs
United Seminary External Job BoardArchdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
Facebook group: MSP Church Gig Postings
American Choral Directors National
Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
Fellowship of American Baptist Musicians jobs
The Fellowship of United Methodists in Worship and Music Arts
National Association of Pastoral Musicians
National Baptist Convention Music/Worship Arts Openings
Presbyterian Association of Musicians jobs
Royal School of Church Music America jobs
United Church of Christ Musicians Association
The American Guild of Organists has a career center for AGO members. The service is accessed at the AGO website's Positions Available page.
Association of Anglican Musicians
Association of Disciple Musicians
The Baptist Church Music Conference
Church Music Association of America
Conference of Roman Catholic Cathedral Musicians
National Forum of Greek Orthodox Church Musicians